This podcast brings you tips and life application evangelism hacks to help you become a more Confident Ambassador for Jesus as you share your faith and fulfill your purpose and mission.
Evangelism doesn’t need to be intimidating. It is a lie of Satan that is easy to fall for which attempts to convince us evangelism must be a polished, profound, and dramatic presentation. Evangelism is simply introducing someone to God.
Peter DID step out of the boat. None of the other fellas in the boat did that. Not one of them even tried. My man! Peter was distracted for a moment. But also, for a moment, Peter was able to experience an incredible closeness and oneness with Jesus on a level the boys on his crew did not. Because they did not get on Peter’s level, they missed out on something pretty awesome, even if it lasted for only a moment.
Remember that as a saved person, you have been rescued and reconciled to the Father. You have this incredible hope which is an anchor for your soul. You are beyond blessed as a result. You have so much to be thankful for. We were once without hope, separated from God, and doomed to eternity in hell. We once had a sin problem which we had no means for solving.
Often, while having a casual conversations with friends and family members who are unbelievers, we will find a natural opening and led by God, we can walk right into a clear and bold gospel presentation. But, to be fair, other times, not so much.
One helpful question we might ask ourselves is simply, “Who would my friends and relatives rather have a spiritual conversation with: me or a “ministry professional” they do not know? I believe most of us would agree the answer to that question is: me.
Some Christians seem to think of sharing the Gospel as if it were a public speaking assignment where one would stand in front of a crowd to deliver a moving and persuasive speech full of deep theology. That sounds like a sermon in front of a congregation.
Our job is to share the love and grace of God and to share the truth of the Gospel in love. Our job is trust God’s Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of those we share the Gospel with. Our job is to simply tell our story: “I was blind but now I see.”
The one thing we DO know is that Jesus offered an invitation. Jesus invited Matthew when He said, "Come , follow me." Matthew received an invitation which he would come to understand was the most incredible invitation he would ever receive in his life.
Jesus makes it clear that word without deed is not sufficient. Talking the talk without also surrendering our life to God is not sufficient.
When you wet noodle the Gospel by suggesting you pursued God and that they can do the same, you leave yourself open for your evangelism prospect to come back to you and say: “That’s nice. I invited Buddha into my heart.
One helpful life application evangelism tip, which has helped many believers to be more confident ambassadors, is remembering to apply the Golden Rule of Evangelism.
If we will focus more on God and less on ourselves, we will be so overwhelmed by His glory and wondrous works in our own lives, we will be compelled to share that with others.
Jesus called His disciples to follow Him. Jesus also then sent them out, giving them the authority to accomplish their calling. They had not just graduated Bible college with a seminary degree. They had no memorized clever 7-step evangelism program.
Jesus called us to live in such a way that when other people see His light shining through our life, they will praise our Father in heaven. Honestly, this is a pretty...
Others should know we are a child of God not only because we say so but because of how we say what we say including the look on our face when we say it.
Your mind might have jumped right to the idea of memorizing a new 3 or 5-step program for sharing the Gospel. I am not talking about a memorized canned approach today.